Aircraft structures laboratory

Aircraft structures laboratories consist of beams, columns, bulkheads, ribs, longerons, and stringers. The wing spar is a bird’s primary structural component. Additionally, there are many different materials that can be used to make an aircraft’s skin, including composites, plywood, aluminum, and impregnated cloth. The following equipment is included in this lab to help students understand the different structural member components of an airplane that are susceptible to different loading circumstances. Thus, we are introducing ourselves as the top Aircraft Structures Lab Equipment Manufacturers. In the aircraft kaborotary, a photoelasticity setup is also available in the lab for examining the full-field strain contours of different models. Furthermore, the lab includes vacuum bagging equipment for practical experience in composite material manufacturing. The curriculum for the courses on solid mechanics and aircraft structures, experimental stress analysis, and composite materials and structures forms a substantial part of the experiments conducted in this lab.

Shear Center Test Apparatus


Apparatus consists of sturdy base frame and Channel, Equal angle, Semicircle and Z-Section are supplied with apparatus. Standard length of each of the four sections in M.S. is supplied. Each is provided with end clamp for fixing to the rigid bracket. A special load hanger is provided so as to change the load position so that with the help of two dial gauges the vertical plane of Shear centre for the particular section can be determined.

Range of Experiments:

Determination of the vertical plane of shear centre for different cross sections commonly used for structures

Beam Test Set Up


Beam Test Apparatus is a rigid setup where beams can be tested for deflection and bending moment. All types of beams can be tested in this setup. The beam support is movable so that users can use different length beams wherever they want in setup. Digital dial gauge is coming along with the equipment which can measure deflection very accurately. Slotted weight also available for placing known weight over the beam.

Unsymmetrical Bending of Beams


Apparatus consist of an angle of size 1” x 1” x 1/8” or in equivalent metric units of length 80cm is tied as a cantilever beam. The beam is fixed at one end such that the rotation of 450 intervals can be given and clamped such that the principal axis of its cross-section may be inclined at any angle with the horizontal and vertical planes. Also arrangement is provided to apply vertical load at the free end of the cantilever and to measure horizontal and vertical deflection of the free end. A dial gauge with magnetic base is supplied with the apparatus.

Universal Testing Machine


Features :

  • Loading Accuracy as high as + 1% 
  • Straining at variable speeds to suit a wide range of materials. 
  • continuous roll autographic recorder supplied as standard to enable study of the behavior of materials
  • Motor driven threaded columns for quick effortless adjustment of lower cross-head-to facilitate rapid fixing of test specimen.
  • High reading accuracy due to large size and design of dial.
  • Wide range of standard and special accessories, including load stabilizer.
  • Easy change from plain to threaded and screwed specimens.
  • Large effective clearance between columns enables testing of standards specimens as well as structures.
  • Simple controls for easy of operation.
  • Robust staining frame of an extremely rigid construction.
  • Fully enclosed and protected pendulum

Wagner Beam Test Set Up


A Wagner beam made out of aluminum rivets, of  

  • Dimension t =36 , b =75 , l=650 mm capacity500 
  • kg. 5 tone capacity
  • A sturdy frame with gear box arrangement loading.
  • A load cell with ,digital indicator
  • Digital micro strain indicator.


Bending Testing Equipment



An experimental apparatus to investigate the stresses and strains within a structure in relation to bending loads.

Column Test Set Up


This equipment is a digital type which consists of a load cell to measure the load applied to the column. Both pins and fixed joints of the column can be measured through this apparatus. This equipment is available with different variants. Both manual applying and motorized applying load are also available. This equipment can be customized according to the customer requirement. The accuracy and precision is high and unmatched with any of its kind. In this equipment any shape of the column can be tested such as square, rectangle and circular

Photo Elastic Apparatus


Range of Experiments :

Determination of Fringe constant of photoelastic material using:

  • Circular disc subjected to diametral compression
  • Pure bending specimen (four point bending)

Determination of stress concentration using photo elasticity for simple component like plate with a hole under tension 2D crane hook

Diffused Light Research Polariscope


Range of Experiments :

Determination of Fringe constant of photoelastic material using:

  • Circular disc subjected to diametral compression
  • Pure bending specimen (four point bending)

Determination of stress concentration using photo elasticity for simple component like plate with a hole under tension 2D crane hook

Deflection Beam Setup


To determine the central deflection of a simply supported beam loaded by a concentrated load at midpoint and hence determine the modulus of elasticity of the material of the beam

Vibration Test Set Up


The apparatus provided a comprehensive unit to perform the vibration experiments. A universal frame is provided upon which quick and easy assembly of various experiments can be done. The unit is self-contained to safely store spares. The students can easily assemble the experiments and study the theory of vibrations practically.


  • Following experiments can be performed with this unit:
  • To verify the relation simple pendulum
  • To verify the relation of compound pendulum & to determine the radius of gyration
  • To study radius of gyration of bi-filar suspension
  • To study the undamped free vibration of spring mass system
  • To study the longitudinal vibration of helical coiled spring
  • To study the forced vibration of a simply supported beam for different damping.
  • Undamped torsional vibrations of single rotor system
  • Undamped torsional vibrations of double rotor system
  • To study the damped torsional vibration of single rotor system and to determine the damping co-efficient
  • Verification of Dunker ley’s Rule
  • To study the forced damped vibration of spring mass system

Thin-Walled Pressure Vessel


Thin-Walled Pressure Vessel  is designed to investigate stresses and strains in a thin-walled cylinder under internal pressure. Steel cylinder working to 70 bar. Cylinder fitted with 6 strain gauges wired to a selector switch. Self-contained hydraulic pump and flow control valve and bourdon tube pressure gauge.



The MODULAR 2S is a single pump / single resin trap mobile vacuum system for manufacturing composites using processes such as resin infusion and vacuum bagging.

Strain Rosette


Range of Experiment :

  • Determination of Principal stresses 1 and 2 in magnitude and direction
  • Study the effect of pressure on principal stresses.


Bifilar Suspension


In a bifilar suspension, the pendulum body is suspended over two threads. The pendulum body oscillates in a plane purely transnationally without rotation. This kind of pendulum can be considered as a mathematical pendulum. In a trifler suspension with three threads, the pendulum body is set in a torsional vibration. The torsional vibration can be used to determine the moment of inertia by experiment. A beam, a cylinder or a circular ring are used as pendulum bodies. The length of the threads can be adjusted using clamping devices. The moments of inertia of the pendulum body can be calculated from the measured oscillation period. The oscillation period can be varied by changing the thread length.


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