Fuel and Oil Testing Equipment Manufacturers



A continuous sensing capability for rapid viscosity measurement makes this economical digital viscometer a standout. Measures viscosity and temperature simultaneously (with an optional temperature probe). With its timed measurement function, data can easily be sent to a PC or printer. Optional software allows the DV-I Prime to collect, analyze and record test data.

Penetrometer Apparatus For Testing Lab


Penetrometer is used for determining the penetration of modified asphalt and highway bitumen. It can further be used for inspecting powders, colloids, granules and glycerin.

Saybolt Viscometer For Testing Lab


The apparatus consists of stainless steel bath and universal and furol jets of stainless steel stirring is done manually with turn table arrangement.

Flash Point Closed - Pensky Martens Apparatus For Testing Lab


This method is intended for the determination of the open flash point and fire point of petroleum products except when the clean and open cup is specified. The Apparatus consists of brass test cup with handle removable cover, with spring operated rotating shutter for smooth operation, having a pilot jet, stirrer with flexible shaft.

Flash Point Cleveland For Testing Lab


This apparatus is used for determination of flash and fire pt. of petroleum products except fuel oils and those having an open cup flash below 790C. The apparatus consists of a cup, heating plate specific dimensions, thermometer clip and test flame attachment with service 1 joints for passing over test liquids surface in the prescribed manner. Heating is controlled by means of energy regulator fitted to apparatus Suitable for operation on 220 V. AC.

Cloud And Pour Point Apparatus For Testing Lab


For determining closed cup flash point of petroleum products, their mixtures, other liquid and paints, having flash points between 19° C and 49° C. Each apparatus is supplied complete with an oil cup, cover fitted with gas test jet assembly, water bath and tripod stand, but without thermometer, in a wooden carrying case.

Drop Point Apparatus For Testing Lab


This is used for determining drop point of greases as per IP 31,132 & ASTM-D-566. It is an indication of the critical temperature of the solid or semi solid to the liquid state. The apparatus consists of brass sleeve and case with metal cup and a glass boiling tube with cork fitted to a bath (Beaker) is provided. A FHP Motorized stirrer and electrical heater with energy regulator control is also provided.

Engler Viscometer Apparatus For Testing Lab


As per IP 212 and ASTMD-490. Used for determining the Viscosity of lubricating and fuel oils.

Tar Viscometer For Testing Lab


Tar viscometer apparatus as per IP-72 and IS 1206 standards. It is used for determination the viscosity of road oils and cut back bitumen. It consists s. S. Bath with cup of 10 mm or 4 mm orifice and sleeve, stirrer with lifting clip and ball. The assembly kept on suitable stand with leveling screws. Suitable to operate on 220 volts ac mains.

Redwood Viscometer Apparatus For Testing Lab


The complete instrument comprises of stove hammer finished shield, stainless steel bath with electrical heating arrangements, suitable to operate on ,220 volts A.C Mains or gas heating arrangements, with tap, silver plated oil cup with precision stain less steel jet, cup cover, ball valve, thermometer clip, stirrer and M.S sheet stand With leveling screws.

Reid Vapour Pressure Test Apparatus For Testing Lab


As per IP 212 and ASTMD-490. Used for determining the Viscosity of lubricating and fuel oils.

Copper Strip Corrosion Test Apparatus For Testing Lab


Carbon residue Test App. (RAMS BOTTOM) with 6 Nos. Cooking bulb Round Bath 14″x10″ Height with DIGITAL Controller cum Indicator, with accessories i.e. Coking bulb, Syringe with needle, Heater For above, Digital Temp. controller with Relay and Thermocouple.

Bomb Calorimeter Apparatus For Testing Lab


Bomb Calorimeter with DIGITAL Temp. Indicator Stainless Steel jacket vessel with electronic timer & firing unit

Abels flash and fire point Apparatus


This apparatus is used for determination of flash and fire pt of petroleum products except fuel oils and those having an open cup flash below 790C. The apparatus consists of a cup, heating plate specific dimensions, thermometer clip and test flame attachment with service 1 joints for passing over test liquids surface in the prescribed manner.

Softening Point Apparatus Ring & Ball Apparatus For Testing Lab


Conforming to the specifications and tolerance in accordance to I.S.-1205 used for the determination of the temperature at which a sample of bitumanious material loaded by a 9.5mm. steel ball drops a specified distance when heated under specified conditions. Comprise a water bath of heat resistance glass, two tapered rings, two Ball Centering guide, two steel balls of 9.5mm dia and a ring holder.

Orsat Apparatus


For determination of various gases like CO, CO2, O2 etc.

Aniline Point Apparatus




Manufacturer, Supplier, and Exporter of Science Instruments by ELSHADDAI ENGINEERING
Junkers gas calorimeter is a device used to measure the calorific value (heat energy content) of a
gas. It operates by burning a known volume of gas and measuring the amount of heat generated,
which is absorbed by water flowing through a heat exchanger. By measuring the temperature rise in
the water and the flow rate of the gas, the calorific value of the gas can be calculated. The device is
commonly used in laboratories and industrial settings to evaluate the energy efficiency of different
types of fuel gases.



Manufacturer, Supplier, and Exporter of Science Instruments by ELSHADDAI ENGINEERING
This device operates by measuring the amount of heat released when a known volume of gas is
combusted under controlled conditions. The gas is burned in the calorimeter, and the heat produced
is transferred to the surrounding water flowing through the heat exchanger.
The amount of heat transferred is calculated using the water’s mass flow rate and the temperature
rise of the water.


Welcome to Elshaddai Engineering Equipments! With over 25 years of expertise, we provide high-quality laboratory equipment worldwide. Count on us for innovation, precision, and reliability.


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