Concrete Highway Engineering Lab

As one of the top Concrete Highway Engineering Lab Equipment Manufacturers, we are here. Our large selection of lab equipment for highway engineering that meets all industry standards. We are committed to keeping the product’s quality high. Testing equipment for highway engineering is used in quality control procedures, including the analysis of several items. In reality, the quality of the materials determines how civil engineering projects turn out. It is crucial that the quality-based civil engineering testing apparatus can provide customers with repeatable, accurate findings.

Cube Moulds


Made of cast iron conforming to the specifications and tolerance in accordance to I.S.-516 and latest I.S.-10074 SIZE- 150 X 150X150MM.

Cylindrical Moulds


Conforming to the specifications and tolerance in accordance to I.S.-10086 made of cast iron. size-150 x 300mm

Prism Moulds


One gang prism mould to produce 25x25x250 mm specimens for expansion tests in autoclave. Complete with 4 steel inserts.

Standard Test Sieve Ser


Conforming to the specifications and tolerance in accordance to I.S. 460 for fine material made out of 300mm. G.I. frame easily fit on each other equipped with square hole punch sheet aperture size 125mm,100mm,90mm,80mm,75mm, etc lid and pan.

Concrete Mixer


Laboratory model capacity 2.5 cft mounted on rubber tiers and sturdy frame with towing rod. ELECTRICALLY OPERATED.

Slump Test Apparatus


Conforming to the specifications and tolerance in accordance to I.S.-1199 and latest I.S.-7320. Consists of slump cone frustums in shape 10cm. diam at top, 20cms. At bottom and 30cms, high fitted with foot piece and handle, one portable base plate having cleats to accommodate cone and tamping rod 16mm diam x 60cms. Long bullet at one end graduated 0-30cms in one millimeter division

Flow Table


Conforming to the specification and tolerance in accordance to I.S.-1199. Designed for the determination of the flow of the Portland cement concrete. The tabletop is 76.2cms. Diam finally machined from a solid casting the integral cast ribs are also designed for support and strength. The stand is fabricated out of cast iron and is on sturdy construction. Holes for mounting on foundation are drilled in the base plate. The ground and polished steel cam is designed to drop 12.5mm. Manually operated unit

Vibrating Machine


Conforming to the specifications and tolerance in accordance to I.S.-4031. Suitable for proper vibration of mould 70.6mm. Suitable to work on 220/230 Volts, single phase A.C.supply, with endless belt and coiled springs,

Vee-Bee Consistometer


Conforming to the specifications and tolerance in accordance to I.S.-1199 used for the determination of the workability of the concrete. The concrete is deform in a container and is vibrated after removing the cone on a small vibrating table operated at a fixed amplitude and frequency operation 220 Volts single phase A.C.supply

Aggregate Impact Tester


Conforming to the specifications and tolerance in accordance to I.S.-2386, PT-IV.Sturdy construction of a base support column to form a rigid frame work around the quick release mechanism to ensure effective fall of the hammer during test, the free fall can be adjusted 380mm. The hammer is provided with locking arrangement. Supplied complete with one cylindrical cup and metal measure 75mm. diam x 50mm. with tamping rod.

Laboratory C.B.R. Apparatus (Hand Operated)


Conforming to the specifications and tolerance in accordance to I.S.-2720, Part-XVI used for the determination of the laboratory C.B.R. consists of : – 01.) Load Frame Hand operated capacity 50 KN (5000 kgs.) with high and low rate of travel of the lead screw. 02.).C.B.R. Mould:-Conforming to the specifications and tolerance in accordance to I.S.-9669-1980 made of chromium steel 150mm.

Blain Air Permeability Test Apparatus


Conforming to the specifications and tolerance in accordance to I.S. – 4031, 5516, 1727 &4828. The equipment is used for the determination of the fineness of the cement in terms of specific surface expressed as total surface area in square centimeters per gram of cement. This is variable flow type air parameters. The equipment consists of one each permeability cell 12.5mm.

Trowels And Planers


Conforming to the specifications and tolerance in accordance to I.S.-2720, Part-XVI used for the determination of the laboratory C.B.R. consists of : – 01.) Load Frame Hand operated capacity 50 KN (5000 kgs.) with high and low rate of travel of the lead screw. 02.).C.B.R. Mould:-Conforming to the specifications and tolerance in accordance to I.S.-9669-1980 made of chromium steel 150mm.

Los - Angeles Abrasion Testing Machine


ELSHADDAI’S Los Angles Abrasion Machine is used for determining are resistance to bear of small size Course Aggregate and Crushed rock The machine consistence of a hollow cylinder mounted one sturdy frame on ball bearings a detachable shelf which extends which stand through out the inside length of the drum catches the abrasive charge and dose not allow its two fall on the cover the drum is rotated at a speed of 30-33 RPM by an electric motor through a heavy duty reduction gear motor is suitable for operation on 220 Volts-50Hz- 1p.h.

Marshall Stability Apparatus


The test is applicable to hot mix designs using bitumen and aggregates upto a maximum size of 25mm. In this method, the resistance to plastic deformation of cylindrical specimen of bitumenous mixture is measured when the same is loaded at periphery at 5 cm per min. This test procedure is used in designing and evaluating bitumenous paving mixes.

Longitudinal Compressometer


Consist of frame with a bottom ring and top ring with tightening screwsto firmly clamp the compressometer over the cylinder

Dorry Abrasion Testing Machine


Owing to our years of experience and knowledge of this domain, we have been able to manufacture, supply, export and trade finest quality Dorry Abrasion Testing Machine. We have manufactured the offered range of abrasion testing machines using high grade raw material and components that are obtained from the most trusted and reputed vendors of the market. Offered Dorry Abrasion Testing Machine is generally used to test the coarse aggregate abrasion resistance.


Welcome to Elshaddai Engineering Equipments! With over 25 years of expertise, we provide high-quality laboratory equipment worldwide. Count on us for innovation, precision, and reliability.


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