Manufacturer, Supplier, and Exporter of Automobile cut section Lab Equipment by ELSHADDAI ENGINEERING EQUIPMENTs
This is a cut-away of a quick-change gearbox used in 300/400HP heavyweight vehicles with mechanical and pneumatic control. It is a non-synchronized gearbox, which is divided into 2 parts:
1. On the engine side, there are the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th gears, reverse and extra low ratio pick-up gears. All these gears are mechanically controlled by the change gear lever.
2. On the other side, on the output shaft side, there are the standard, low ratio and semi-low ratio gears, pneumatically controlled by the pre-selector provided on the gear lever. This gearbox is made very sturdy by the presence of two auxiliary shafts sharing stress to an equal degree. This cut-away is carefully sectioned for training purposes. Colors are used to differentiate between parts. Many parts have been chromium plated and galvanized for a longer life.
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